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Colocalizer Pro 6 0

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CoLocalizer Pro 6.0. CoLocalizer Pro is a pixel-based quantitative colocalization analysis software. It combines the power of its unique background correction tools with implementation of the already established algorithms to estimate colocalization quantitatively. Colocalizer Pro is designed for more a specialized type of image analysis, like quantification of colocalization, while Papers and Macnification are for more generally-oriented. I purchased Colocalizer license last year and already published a paper with its help! Thanks to support documentation, the learning time is short.

EZNEC v. 6.0

Availableby directdownload from the web (~13 MB), and on CD. If the CD is orderedfrom the web, the program may also be downloaded for no extra charge.Download isavailable by website credit card order only.

Price: Directdownload, credit cardweb purchase only, $99.00
CD, by web order or other means, $109.00*
*Add $3.00 for CD delivery outside the U.S. and Canada

EZNEC+ v. 6.0
Qlab pro 4 6 26.

Availableby directdownload from the web, and on CD. Office 365 outlook attachment problems. If theCD is orderedfrom the web, the program may also be downloaded for no extra charge.Download isavailable by website credit card order only.

Price: Directdownload, credit cardweb purchase only, $149.00
CD, by web order or other means, $159.00*
*Add $3.00 for CD delivery outside the U.S. and Canada

Click here to order EZNEC or EZNEC+ download * , CD, or both with credit card Epubor ultimate 3 0 7 9.

*Pleasemake a backup copy of the downloaded fileon some other medium besides yourprimaryhard drive. If youdon't have any way to back up the downloadedfile, pleaseorder the CD with or without the downloadto protectagainst loss of EZNECinthe event of ahard drive failure.

EZNEC v. 6.0and EZNEC+ v. 6.0(CDonly, not download)canalso be ordered by phone, fax, email, or mail. Price is $109.00* for EZNEC,$159* for EZNEC+.(Add$3.00* to both pricesforCD delivery outside the U.S. and Canada). Please see Non-WebOrdering, below.

Colocalizer Pro 6 0 Specs

Upgrades fromELNEC or earlier EZNECversions: Please refer to the Upgradepage for information. Horoscope luck meter.

Colocalizer Pro 6 0 Air Filter

EZNEC Prov. 6.0


Thereare two EZNEC Pro programs, EZNECPro/2 and EZNEC Pro/4.An NEC-4 license must be obtained before purchasing EZNECPro/4.This is not required for EZNEC Pro/2.Pleaserefer to the EZNECPro pagefor details. EZNEC Pro programsare not currently available for web site orderingor direct download.Please see Non-Web Ordering, below.

Colocalizer Pro 6 00

Price: EZNECPro/2v. 6.0$525.00* includes shipping to U.S. and Canada
EZNECPro/4v. 6.0 $675.00* includes shipping to U.S. and Canada

Colocalizer Pro 6 0 6


Roy Lewallen,W7EL phone 503-646-2885
P.O. Box6658 fax 503-671-9046
Beaverton OR97007 email

*Allprices are in U.S. dollars (USD). Payment types accepted are U.S.currency; check or money order in U.S. funds payable through a; postal money order in U.S. funds redeemable at a U.S. PostOffice;VISA; MasterCard; and American Express (be sure to include the cardnumber and expiration date). Please make checks payable to RoyLewallen. All prices are subject to change withoutnotice.

CoLocalizer Pro 6.0

CoLocalizer Pro is a pixel-based quantitative colocalization analysis software. It combines the power of its unique background correction tools with implementation of the already established algorithms to estimate colocalization quantitatively. CoLocalizer Pro software is leveraged by the leading scientific laboratories worldwide and is a de facto standard in this field of research.

– Quantify colocalization in fluorescence microscopy images by calculating specialized coefficients.
– Access your images via iCloud and pass them between your Macs and iPads using Handoff.
– Correct background in the images to ensure the reliability of quantification.
– Open images in proprietary file formats, such as LSM, OME.TIFF, and other TIFFs.
– Work with stacks.
– Connect to a microscope and import images from it right into CoLocalizer Pro for analysis.
– View images with colocalization at different magnifications and angles, merge single channel images or split merged ones according to a pair of channels.
– Export calculations results in various file formats, such as Excel, PDF, and HTML.
– Save versions of analyzed images and revert to the originals, if needed.
– Export results as colocalization reports with all the coefficients and image data stored conveniently in one place.

Music collector pro 16 0 7 download free. Compatibility: OS X 10.11 or later 64-bit


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